
Everyone loves a bit of a rogue….here are my posts of a rogueish nature:

The rogue who links Michael Collins’ funeral and Shirley Bassey.

“a confidence man, ivory poacher and all-round rogue”

Roguery on Tory Island (and poitín)

The roguery of William Seabrook

Anthony Powell’s Widmerpool is a bit of a pillock, rather than a rogue, but he does amass a rather rogue-like biography.

William Gerhardie is a writer famous for not being as famous as he deserved. Which sounds like a paradox. He was also, well, a bit of a rogue.

So rogueish was Gerhardie he merits another roguey post.

Of all literary rogues, Flashman is surely the ne plus ultra of rogueishness.

I guess sainthood and rogueishness are not compatible … though a miracle of “an ever flowing barrel of beer” gives one pause.

And on reflection, the very first saint is likely to have been a rogue.

Are spies ipso facto rogues? Probably not, but poor Oskar Metze’s espionage career was tragically brief.

Finally, is there a rogue to match Fr Pat Noise?